Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: MJP of los angeles CA (USA) Date added: 09/08/2016
Title: Great Paint!
Suited our party needs perfectly! Thanks!
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5 Gallon Washable Neon Party Paint

Glow in the Dark Acrylics
5 Gallon UV Effects Neon Paint

16 oz. Washable Neon Paint

16 oz. UV Effects Neon Paint

1/2 Gallon Acrylic UV Reactive Paints
$159.00 - $189.00
½ Gallon Acrylic Luminous (Glow in the Dark) Paint
55 Gallon Fluorescent Black Light Paint
1/2 Gallon Acrylic Blacklight Assortment

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2 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Yellow
1 x 5 Gallon - UV Effects Paint - Pink
1 x 16oz Bottles - Washable Neon Blacklight Party Paint - Green
1 x 100 Pair Rave Light Diffraction Glasses
2 x 16oz Bottles - Washable Neon Blacklight Party Paint - Red
1 x 16oz Bottles - UV Effects Paint Blacklight Party/Skin Design Paint - Red
1 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Pink
1 x 6 Pack - ½ Gallon Acrylic Neon Blacklight Paint (UV Glow) - Yellow
1 x 16oz Bottles - UV Effects Paint Blacklight Party/Skin Design Paint - Blue
1 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Blue
1 x 5 Gallon - UV Effects Paint - Yellow
2 x 16oz Bottles - Washable Neon Blacklight Party Paint - Purple
1 x 200 ct pack Squirt Top Caps
1 x 16oz Bottles - UV Effects Paint Blacklight Party/Skin Design Paint - Purple
1 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Orange
1 x 16oz Bottles - UV Effects Paint Blacklight Party/Skin Design Paint - Green
1 x 16oz Bottles - Washable Neon Blacklight Party Paint - White
1 x Water Cannon Guns
2 x ½ Gallon Acrylic Blacklight Paint - Assortment
1 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Green
1 x 50 Pair Rave Light Diffraction Glasses
1 x 16oz Bottles - Washable Neon Blacklight Party Paint - Blue
1 x Black Light Paint - Washable Fluorescent - 5 Gallon Purple
1 x 6 Pack - ½ Gallon Acrylic Neon Blacklight Paint (UV Glow) - Pink
1 x 6 Pack - ½ Gallon Acrylic Neon Blacklight Paint (UV Glow) - Orange